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Latest Market Trends
Archstone is committed to aggregating the latest industry knowledge and current events.
Can Retailers Expand in a Market Like This?
While some retail landlords may not be ready to lower rent pricing, others are seeing the writing on the wall. But not all categories of retailers are still in freefall. Americans are returning to pre-pandemic spending levels, but a transformation is taking place, and...
A Trough in Rents is Coming
Have rent collections become more challenging where local governments had imposed restrictions on evictions? It appears that investors may want to keep a close eye on eviction moratoriums. Despite the 90% collection rate reported by apartment owners, the market...
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The Appraisal Trifecta: Price, Quality, and Speed
In the appraisal process, you have systems and techniques that you cannot rush or avoid. So without costing yourself the quality, how can you maximize price and speed?
How to Position Your Appraisal Business for Sale
So you’re looking to sell your appraisal company. Here are some factors you can measure to ensure a better chance of a successful transition to retirement or sale.
The Pros & Cons Of A 1 Man Shop V. Team
It is easy for all of us to charge forward and take control, but how much is the “lone wolf” mentality actually hurting you and your appraisal process?
Biggest Career Obstacles for Commercial Appraisers
As a commercial appraiser, you are essentially solving a new puzzle every day; no day is the same as the last. However, it is immensely rewarding to find a job where you feel like you fit— and if you are a true logic sherlock, maybe commercial appraisal is right for you. The highly lucrative real estate and appraisal industry is growing, so now might just be your time to shine. If you are considering a commercial appraisal career, it is vital to know the top four career obstacles of a commercial appraiser.
Job Gains Surge then Slow, But Recovery Moves Onward
The rebound is still strong, but the downturn was so large that even small bumps in the road can seem dangerous.
The Scramble
Since owning my own business, I realize that focus and productivity are far more than eliminating outside distractions; it is also eliminating internal distractions, which in turn requires a plan. A mind that knows the answers will move the body to action.
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