Mar 21, 2019 | Appraisal, Domestic, General, International, Residential, Valuation
So, what makes a real estate appraiser a real estate appraiser? The answer is the standards they have agreed to meet in the profession as well as the qualifications they have sought to obtain to be recognized by the real estate industry as a reliable appraisal... Mar 21, 2019 | Appraisal, Domestic, General, International, Valuation
Nearly all people who have owned or thought about owning real estate have heard of a real estate appraisal. Here is a quick breakdown on terminology and a description of times when ordering a real estate appraisal might be helpful. Before diving into the basics, note... Mar 21, 2019 | Advisory, Appraisal, Brokerage, Domestic, General, International
Buying and selling real estate can be fun. Whether it is the thrill of hunting for a new opportunity, or finally selling and cashing in big. However, how do you maximize your play? If you are not deeply familiar with your product and your market place, it is likely... Mar 21, 2019 | Advisory, Appraisal, Brokerage, Domestic, General, International
Buying and selling real estate can be fun. Whether it is the thrill of hunting for a new opportunity, or finally disposing of a project with the expectations of finally getting the big payoff. This is a short post about the benefits of finding a good broker partner to...